Love this sound - Flying Home to Shelley

The Sound Accord playing Flying Home to Shelley by Paul Gitlitz followed by Pressed for Time, a pipe tune by Gordan Duncan. I'm going to learn this! I tried a little bit of the first part of Flying Home…

Practice Log March 20th, 2018

Around 1 hour, ending just after midnight. Started the evening full of energy, but only when I got to the doorsteps of my coworking space did I realise that I left my access badge hanging on the chalkboard in my room. I drove back to get it, and returned to…

Practice Log March 13th, 2018

1 hr. Finished just as midnight rolled around. It's been a while since a practice log. G, C, D majors 2 octave scales, with shifting on the 3rd position e string on C and D scales. Went over Sleepin Soond - the bow needs a few more turns and after…

#SquadGoals - Canon in D

We did it! First envisioned by Sahara in December 2017. We finally got together and put this together! Me and @deaffiddler no prior rehearsal. First time ever attempting to play #pachelbelcanon in d. Pardon for all the mistakes. ➡️swipe on #johannpachelbel #classicalmusic #pachelbel #violin #piano #centreforsocialinnovation A post shared by…

Practice Log Feb 20th, 2018

1 hour and change. Arrived at CSI and got straight onto scales. G major, G major broken chords, C and D major 2 octave scales. Went through Sleeping Soond and got that tuned a bit. I feel like there's a practical limit to practicing, where I can overthink and overplay…

Lesson Log Feb 14, 2018

Began with a discussion of music books! Learned about The Fiddler's Fakebook, which has many tunes in our Red Book, but plenty of different arrangements. The book is really big though and has some weird page turns. Went over C and D major 2 octave scales, followed by a pretty…

Practice Log Feb 9th, 2018

45 min practice 15 min on the octave violin going over Sleeping Soond and Ragtime Annie. The octave down really makes these songs come alive. This cello version brings out the whimsy of the song: Also played C and D major 2 octave scales on the octave violin. After that,…