Explosions in the Sky

The opening chords of The Birth and Death of the Day were the most natural things in the universe. They spoke to me of things to come: the fulfilled promise of chord progressions that resolve into blinding light and white noise.

My hearing aids just about melted through the first set, and I only stayed for three songs. But this concert gave me the inspiration to finally start this website.

This is a site dedicated to music everyday. I will post about musical journeys from my point of view: a hard-of-hearing musician.

How does a deaf or hard-of-hearing person interpret sounds meant to communicate pure emotion? I started exploring the question, "What does music mean to a deaf person?" and found the YouTube channel of ASL Stew. Here are their words:

At the concert, sounds vibrated in my chest and told me to move. Every person had a crazed look in their eyes as the four members of the group started telling their story. I am telling you my story, hope you stay a while and listen.