Practice Log Feb 20th, 2018

1 hour and change.

Arrived at CSI and got straight onto scales. G major, G major broken chords, C and D major 2 octave scales.

Went through Sleeping Soond and got that tuned a bit. I feel like there's a practical limit to practicing, where I can overthink and overplay a piece such that it's no longer as freely flowing as before. I still need to practice, but aim to play to express the emotion of the music, and of course, to go off book.

After a short break, I moved onto Ragtime Annie and spent almost 35 minutes just on that piece. I was trying to record myself playing it all the way through, and trying to get all the notes and bowing right. I finally got a take that I felt really good about.

It's hard, but worth it in the end!

The instagram version is cut off - I have a longer version that I can upload.

Ragtime Annie #practice #fiddle

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Time to sleep!