Some thoughts:
100 days of practice within 365 days of 2019, or about 27% of the days of a year.
Longest break was just after the Rollick, from mid April to late May when I didn't practice for a month.
If I can do 100 days in 2019, I can do 180 days in 2020. That's my goal for 2020. 180 days out of 365 is about 49% of the days of a year, or just about every other day.
2019-12-30 - Day 100! - 6 days in a row
40 min
- it's not a race; it's not the end but the beginning to a lifetime of choices and understanding
- I've reached day 100, but there's still so much more to learn, so much more to put into words and into music.
- Started with D major 2 octave scale with shifting on the E string
- O Magnum Mysterium
- Include all slurs whenever possible, all dynamics whenever possible, all rits and fermattas whenever possible
- It's time to start working on the musicality of the piece
- I'm landing the 1st shift, but still having minor issues with the double stops just before the 2nd hard shift and reaching high enough into that 2nd shift, but that can be practiced.
- I understand what I need to do.
- It's still beautiful, but what I'm bringing to it is a timing - expanding and contracting time as it is under my control, emoting and pulling back as the music demands.
2019-12-29 - Day 99
20 min
- Short practice tonight cause I also went to hear Marley's show at 120 Diner.
- Marley is really awesome! She's got this low voice, but she uses it in a way that's really mellow. Her music is a blend of all different kinds of sounds and genres. Sometimes it feels like a low-tempo soul-rap. She's got this baseline going strong and low, with beats, and she floats on top of it with her beautifully low voice, singing about love, self love, waking up in the morning. Really mellow but still with a lot of nerve and soul. My favourites were the song that sounded like James Bond, and the "Blitz" song. In the 2nd part of the show, there were some standouts, her final few songs with muslim elements were pretty amazing. Great show!
- Tonight I took 20 min just to go through the 2 "hard shifts" and then added the double stops onto the 2nd shift. The composer intended probably that I use higher positions to pair up the D and the E, but I'm chosing to keep it simple and only double stop when I am able to - it sounds pretty cool, there's a 3 note stop that works really well because it uses the whole range of the instrument. Pretty amazing
- It's hard, but as I have come to understand, learning new things just need a short, intense practice, but I can't do it for too long or I'll "overtrain" I guess.
- I'm thinking up all the things I can do for the 100 day write-up that I'm posting. Still thinking about how to write it.
2019-12-28 - Day 98
40 min
- D major scale, 2 octave with shifting
- D major arpeggios / broken scales
- tuning phrase (will I ever know...)
- O Magnum Mysterium
- The secret to the first Open A's is to start at the top of the bow, and not use too much pressure. I think I have a good beginning.
- Don't hurry! Don't rush! This is a contemplative piece that already has intensities written into the music. Trust the composer and take his tempo
- Have I already said? Each time I play this it sounds different because it's revealing my inner state. If I'm rushing it's because I feel anxious. If I sound robotic, it's because I am nervous about keeping time. If it sounds lush, it's because I am emotive and loving.
- The 2nd part, I tried to get the higher notes, but decided against it. The positions are too high and it's hard to get the tuning right.
- It's coming along. I'm getting closer and closer.
- There's 2 notes that I'm conflicted about the timing for - I should take a listen at the original music versions to see what they did.
- I almost hit that 2nd hard shift in the first part. I think I've been systematically hitting those 2 shifts in practice. Just don't be nervous and relax!
2019-12-27 - Day 97
40 min
- I'm getting closer and closer
- D major scale, tuning
- 2 octave D major scale, with classical shifting points on 3rd position A string over to 3rd position E string
- O Magnum Mysterium run through, part A before the 2 bar rest
- run through part B just to keep it in memory
- finally got a good resolution for the final 3 notes, which is just 3 long notes. I am thinking of playing each note differently, resolving on the last one.
- I recorded myself, need to listen to my own recording to hear my musical decisions, which isn't always easy to decipher after the fact!
- I'm getting closer and closer and closer.
2019-12-26 - Day 96
50 min
- D major scale, 2 octave
- D major exercise
- Started with regular fiddle, on O Magnum Mysterium
- This song sounds really good on the regular fiddle, even though I enjoy playing it on the octave fiddle, it works better on the higher notes on this fiddle.
- I remembered the little advice that I learned from Itzhak Perlman on a trial of (I didn't end up subscribing, but the little bit I saw did help) - His advice was that every note has to have a core. No matter how strong or how softly you want to play the note, or how airy or whispy, you have to have a core, and that core is what makes the sound.
- This advice is dead on - I tried to play softly, but there was no core so my sound was sliding around - once I started playing with a core sound, then I can put in the dynamics of soft or strong
- This idea is so similar to Scott's emphasis that you can be quiet, but you have to have the intensity or the intension of a note. You can't be singing quietly and just back off all the way and make a weak sound. Quiet is not weak.
- After putting this into practice, I did another "one take" of O Magnum Mysterium.
- I'm dividing this song into 2 parts. The 2nd part has the shifts into higher positions that I'm not ready for yet.
- This song is all about trust. Do you trust the sound you are making? Do you trust the shift that you are taking?
- Landing that shift makes me so happy and it shows.
- Ended the practice with a short go over of Prelude from Bach Cello Suite No. 1. I didn't complete the song - I think it's just so different, and in a totally different mindspace (and scale) from O Magnum that I can't switch without starting from scales and building up from there.
- That's ok! I don't need to do everything in one day. I'm happy with my progress with O Magnum Mysterium and it's coming along.
2019-12-25 - Day 95
25 min
- Merry Christmas!!!
- 25 min was all I think I could do in a hotel room in Ajax! I had the best sleep ever on their King bed and I'm really glad I shelled out for a hotel room to get out of the house for a day. I have the whole day free to go walk in parks and just lounge around and be restful
- Short go over of Bach Prelude from No 1
- Tiny memory exercise Sky Black Black
- Bulk of the time was spent on O Magnum Mysterium.
- Did a 1 take recording! Here is where I'm starting from. Hope to turn this into a musical piece by the end of the 12 days of Christmas
2019-12-22 - Day 94 - 6 days in a row
50 min
- It was difficult to get motivated today
- Slept in, had a mini sore throat, didn't feel like seeing anyone today so skipped church Christmas pagent
- made a fuss with doing chores, laundry, anything to avoid practicing
- maybe there's a post about overcoming procrastination or avoidance?
- Either way, I dragged myself out of bed and got to my rehearsal space. There were people all around, but I didn't care. If they knocked and told me to pipe down I would have.
- Started with a tune up, then G major scale
- Octave violin with O Magnum Mysterium
- Continuation where I left off yesterday
- The first page is pretty much ready, there is that complicated shift near the end and a harmonic (which I don't know how to do) - so I decided to skip the harmonic, and just try to land that shift and hope for the best
- Everytime I play it, the first section sounds a bit different. I think it's because the notes are so simple, you really have to put your intention into it in order to get the meaning across
- I tried to record myself, but I keep tripping up on notes that I totally get once I turn off the recording, so I know I'm not ready
- Also something to be said about not pushing yourself past a point if you're just not ready.
- I think I need a few more days with this, to let it sit into my memory, and then recording will be less stressful.
2019-12-21 - Day 93 - 5 days in a row
60 min
- all on octave violin
- started with D major scale
- memory exercise with Spotted Pony, Eighth of January
- tuning phrase
- Bach Prelude Cello Suite No 1, getting 1st 12-15 bars into muscle memory
- took about 30 min on the prelude before getting a bit tired of it (it's still great!)
- However, the next 30 min really surprized me.
- Started Octave violin, O Magnum Mysterium
- This time, I'm more confident about timing, bowing, both following the written bowing as well as inventing my own.
- This time I followed the rits and the dynamic markings
- OH MY - the dynamics really makes this piece come alive
- I was totally laughing together with playing this piece.
- That first time when I went through the whole piece. It was such a joy
- I wanted to make a recording, but thought that the piece is so ephemeral I can't do it tonight.
- Keep practicing this and make a recording before/by Christmas time.
- Love love love this fiddle
- That's what 30+ years of maturity does to a violin OH MY
2019-12-20 - Day 92
30 min
- First time playing O Magnum Mysterium on the Octave violin
- It's soulful, I'm reconnecting with the music, but I'm struggling. It's taking all my effort, all my technique, all of my will and restraint, all of my exuberance, all of myself to make a good sound with this violin. At the edge of all my technique and all of the violin's sound - it's the voice of a scrappy kid who grew up without a father to guide him, vowing to succeed, vowing to make this music sing.
- I no longer blame the violin for being basic. That is its nature. I gave it a good home, and it's trying to pay me back, by being the best instrument it can be. And it still has music to give, after all these years.
- I'm finding my practices shorter is best for learning new music, longer is best for practicing and building repretoire. Tonight is a short one, but oh my - I'm
on the verge ofcrying.
2019-12-19 - Day 91
30 min
- It's very cold outside today, around -10c, thankfully I have a warm place to sleep
- Worked with the Octave violin all practice today
- Started with D major scale, then some Old time tunes in D - Spotted Pony and Eighth of January memory exercise
- G major scale, G broken scales/arpeggios
- Resume learning Prelude from Bach Cello Suite No 1
- Focussed on first 10 bars for getting the patterns into muscle memory
- Most of it was just going over 2 bar repeated segments over and over and over again
- Bach's pattern is really obvious, BUT the fingering pattern isn't obvious for the 3rd set, where on the violin, I have to change strings and change between a low two and a high two.
- I'm cheating by using my unused first finger and "reassigning" the notes.
- I think this is just remaining flexible, and not holding onto the idea that a particular finger is for a particular note, and just getting the note, rather than the finger.
- Also, continued working on the last 12 bars with the awesome elation and intensity (I think those are the words I used last time, and I continue to feel this way about these 12 bars.)
- The middle, I will just keep learning this piece, 10 bars at a time.
- At some point, I'll have to integrate dynamics and fermattas, but for now that's not too big of a concern. For now, I'm figuring out notes, fingerings, and sensible bowings (the written bowings are kinda awkward for me for now.)
2019-12-18 - Day 90 - 10 days to go!!!
20 min
- D major scale with mute
- O Magnum Mysterium continue sightread
- there's some 4th and 6th (and beyond) positions in this score! I'm going to have to take some time to figure out how that works!
- Such a wonderful arrangement, full of space for the violinist to imagine what Lauridsen wants to do with the music. Some parts of it just wants to stretch time as far as possible. Remember the silences are as important as the sustained notes!
- Showed A my violin score! she was very interested in seeing it. She's taking voice lessons with H
- Goals for this Holiday season: 12 days of Christmas: Complete learning Bach Prelude from Cello suite No. 1 on octave fiddle, and learn O Magnum Mysterium on regular fiddle - how's that for a classical music challenge!
- I'm going to start a new story page for the 12 days of Christmas for writing down progress and challenges, etc. Just how far can I push my musicality and technique? We'll find out! When does 12 days of Christmas start anyways?
- LOL a quick google search says it starts Dec 25, and ends on Jan 5
2019-12-17 - Day 89
30 min
- O Magnum Mysterium is here!!
- Started sightreading
- The timing is trickier than I expected, fermata's everywhere!
- The music is so beautiful
- my fiddle loves this music!
2019-12-15 - Day 88
45 min
- felt really overwhelmed today probably due to too much "people time" over the last few days
- went home, and started practicing
- G Major scale, getting tuning accurate
- 4 notes, and then 8 notes per bow
- Went down in the weeds and did some (re)learning for the first 12 bars of Bach Cello Suite No. 1. - you have to be willing to sound bad before you sound good!
- Bach's a genius
- the whole piece is just so beautiful
- played on the octave violin
- practiced the first 12 bars, and the last 12 bars of the piece.
- The middle section needs a bit of exposition and learning, but I'll do that next.
- I'm focussed on getting the airy feel of the first 12 bars, and the elation and intensity of the last 12 bars today.
- More to come on this Cello Suite 1! I hope to learn it in full by end of year. I'm following along on Inbal Segev's masterclass - She really is an emotive and intelligent musician at the same time!
- Practicing makes me feel better already!
- really wanted to practice, but my regular rehearsal space had lots of activity and other groups meeting so I skipped
- I got to hear Univox sing Sure on this Shining Night, and Sarah Quartel's Winter song series. Also got to hear an African American Kwanzai themed composition, and that was really spiritual
- Loved the whole Univox concert!
2019-12-13 - Day 87
60 min
- D minor scale
- Paddy on the Turnpike review
- Almost getting better with intonation and tuning
- Played at medium speed, and then at slow speed to get all the tuning right and all the string crossings clean
- played Floteren from memory.
- decided to read music, and LOL! I memorized it in the wrong key!
- switched to the right notes and it sounds pretty good
- I'm getting the low strain better in tune. still difficult though - E major has some weird finger positions
- Switched over to the Octave violin - I haven't tuned it in a long time and it was badly out of tune
- Sightreading exercise of Cello Prelude No. 1
- Such a beautiful piece of music
- the last 15 bars of buildup is just the most incredible most beautiful buildup ever. It naturally wants to crecendo and pull back as if the music is written that way without even marking dynamics, the way it flows on the bow just makes it want to grow and swell
- I need to learn this for real for the last bit of 2019!
- I still have a lot of tension in my shoulders and need to really relax. I learned this season that relaxing makes my playing better in so many ways, so keeping that tension is just cramping my sound. Relax!
2019-12-12 - Day 86
30 min
- sick today, stayed home
- almost didn't practice
- however, I felt that this was an important thing to achieve, so I got a little bit of practice time in
- D minor Scale
- Paddy on the Turnpike at 2 different speeds: medium and slow
- really tried to listen and clean up my string crossings
- my e string needs to be changed I think - it's squealing more and more
- I really needed to focus to get my tuning back in order in D minor. Probably because I have the least amount of time in this scale, my tuning is all over the map.
- Finished practice with a few playthroughs of the tuning phrase
- All in all, the practice is an important part of how I approach life now - it's become a habit, and I feel calmer, more in control of my life after practicing
- Maybe that's how it's supposed to work?
2019-12-11 - Day 85
25 min
- I think the last few weeks have been really intense, with preparing for the fiddle party, the East End Choir concert, and then with helping the orchestra with their mics
- I'm all tapped out so didn't have too much energy to practice
- Went over D minor scale
- 2 playthroughs of Paddy on the Turnpike - starting to feel good about this piece but my energy level is low so didn't have the feel, more about getting the notes in muscle memory than musicality
- Memory exercise for Spotted Pony, Eighth of January
- Finished with the tuning phrase
- I'm all tapped out tonight, and also surprisingly tense tonight. I couldn't relax my left shoulder no matter what I tried.
- Time to take a nap I guess.
volunteer hours
- helped the Toronto Community Orchestra with their concert
- lots of familiar tunes
- Carmen was a really fun opera!
- Their concertmaster and conductor both had their last concert with the TCO. There's a new conductor incoming, who has worked with the orchestra before
- Not sure who their new concertmaster is
2019-12-08 - Day 84
20 min
- One of the most musically intense days this year!
- Fiddle party - played Dusty Miller, Old Joe Clark, Skittles at Buckley Bay, and did a pretty good playthrough of Trebulianka!
- I hit the 3rd position shift in Trebulianka! It feels really good to get that shift, like the finger just sinks in and the bow digs in and finding that right note come in - it's one of the best feelings in the world!
- One thought I had is that by the time performance time rolls around, all the hard work had already been done, and what's left is to enjoy the experience.
- Ajineen and the group and I spent a lot of work getting those pieces together, and it shows! I really like the whole fiddle party.
- I didn't stay very long because I had a call time for the East End United Christmas Concert!
- The concert had some really moving pieces - as a whole group we had to be quiet and grow intensity. I think we achieved that - it was a difficult program though but we pulled it off, but with one boo boo - our half of the choir went up to the loft a little bit early! But I think it's fine. Just part of the show!
- With that, we wrap up Day 84. I'd like to finish out the 100 days and then send my fiddle into the luthier to be checked over for an annual inspection, to make sure all is right with my musical partner.
2019-12-07 - Day 83
45 min
- final group class before the fiddle party!
- it was a good rehearsal of all songs that we are playing: Dusty Miller, Old Joe Clark, Skittles at Buckley Bay
- I'm really super impressed at the music that the entire class makes! I am not the only voice (and neither is Ajineen the only other voice) - now there are 4 people playing together plus a piano and it's really awesome how well we fit together, pick up after each other when we make mistakes, and (eventually) tune together after a few playthroughs.
- I am really looking forward to tomorrow!
2019-12-06 - Day 82
15 min
- played at an open mic with MLT
- Fun times! Easygoing crowd, no pressure. It was fun!
2019-12-04 - Day 81
45 min
- lesson at Ajineen's
- both our violins had loosened strings! must be the weather.
- My A string and E string came loose, and we spent a few min just getting everything back in tune
- Practice/Review Trebulianka with piano. It sounds pretty great!
- Practice/Review Paddy on the Turnpike, also with piano
- We spend a good amount of time getting Part B (high strain) back in tune. My hand shape was moving around a bit too much and that's causing my 2nd finger intonation to move all over the map.
- Hoping to practice this some more to get it ready for the fiddle party!
- Key to playing these tunes is to relax! Don't stress out and the tune will come! Relax! no pressure, no worries!
2019-12-03 - Day 80!
45 min
- review before fiddle party
- G minor, A minor, D minor scales
- Review Trebulianka - getting ok!
- Review Paddy on the Turnpike - getting there. I can hit all the notes if I relax and don't freak out!
- Review Dusty Miller - especially the last system, the newest part that we learned last class.
- Just gotta relax! It's going to be fun playing these tunes!
2019-11-30 - Day 79 - 3 days in a row
45 min
- group class with Ajineen, B, A, MLT
- Great review of all songs
- Dusty Miller, learn the 3rd system - a variation of the timing but very similar
- Dusty Miller sounds amazing! Very lone ranger, very much want to crack a whip when playing this
- Old Joe Clark + variations sounds really good - I like the piano accompanyment
- Skittles is probably our best song - B picked up after all of us today! :D
- Gave MLT the fiddlerman bow - she seems to like it and I can tell the bow wants to be with her.
2019-11-29 - Day 78
20 min
- quick review of Skittles, Old Joe Clark, Old Joe Clark variations
- go through Dusty Miller with the tricky timing.
2019-11-28 - Day 77
45 min
- class at Ajineen's
- I like the cat!
- Practiced Paddy on the Turnpike, got a good speed going
- Practiced Trebulianka, main comments are tuning and using lighter even bows. There are runs where I'm putting too much stress, and too much unevenness, so Ajineen showed me to lighten but also to make the notes the same / even when the music calls for it.
- Tuning is still difficult with these minor tunes.
2019-11-24 - Day 76
60 min
- G, D major 2 octave, D minor scales, broken scales/arpegios, A minor scales, broken scales/arpegios, E major scales
- Will I ever... tuning phrase
- Spotted Pony memory exercise
- Practiced Trebulianka and get it up to performance speed. The tricky part is the 4th finger - I slow down because there's not enough time to move the fourth finger from closed in beside my 3rd out to reach that note
- Listened to some versions of Trebulianka online - one is pretty close to my version!
- Practiced Paddy on the Turnpike. This tune still eludes me. The fingering is ok, just that I forget I'm in minor and my fingers automatically want to go to the major scale during the runs!
- Finished with some sightreading of Fløteren, it's also got this weird lifted 3rd and lifted 4th from the E major scale, which I've never done before so it's a bit awkward. Needs more practice.
2019-11-17 - Day 75
60 min
- Practiced scales
- Go over Trebulianka - this one I still need some work on it
- Go over Paddy on the Turnpike
- Learned Fløteren by Norwegian Annbjørg Lien as taught by Brittany Haas on Peghead Nation. I really like this tune! and it sounds pretty good already.
2019-11-16 - Day 74
45 min
- group class with Ajineen
- went over the tricky timing of Dusty Miller!
2019-11-14 - Day 73
60 min
- one of the best practices so far
- I wanted to try something different for my practice
- spent almost 30 min on scales alone
- focussed on G major scale, 2 octave on all 4 strings
- gradually sped up until I could play all 2 octaves up and down on a single bow! This is something I've never even tried before and I am really excited about scales!
- G minor scale, not as fast because I don't have it all in muscle memory yet
- D major 2 octave scale with 3rd position on E string - I practiced the shift from 2nd on first over to 1st on 3rd until I could feel myself getting it right
- C Major scale
- Practiced Skittles at a fast pace. Faster than I've ever played it
- Practiced Old Joe Clark
- Learned / Practiced the first 2 systems of Dusty Miller - what an awesome tune!
- I didn't have much time left for Trebulianka and Paddy on the Turnpike but I did go over the tunes at least once
- Ended with the softest version of my tuning phrase I've ever played.
- It was a fullfilling practice session! May there be many more like this.
2019-11-09 - Day 72
45 min
- group lesson with Ajineen
- practiced Skittles, Old Joe Clark + Shuffle variation
- learned first few systems of Dusty Miller - it's a great low tune that is C major I think
- the strings held up - no buzzing, but I think I still want to replace my e string.
2019-11-06 - Day 71 - 5 days in a row!
45 min
- lesson with Aj!
- I got surprised by Sadie, Ajineen's cat!
- go over Paddy on the Turnpike, need to go faster!
- go over Trebulianka - need to practice the last part a bit more to get the fingering right
- need to get my A string redone - it's buzzing a little bit
20 min
- changed G, D strings to new Passione's I still like Passione's for these 2 strings
- need to get a new E - I think I can stay with the Evah Perazzi E - Gold version
- need to start looking for a new A - maybe try something from the D'Dario line, the Pro Arte maybe. MLT has them and they are pretty good.
2019-11-05 - Day 70
20 min
- short practice tonight, don't have too much energy after the last few days of performing and recording
- G minor scale
- Paddy on the Turnpike go over
- got 1st phrase ready
- re-learned the 2nd phrase - it's starting to get there, but I can still feel some hesitation because some of the fingering is still new
- that's all I have to give tonight! and that's ok!
2019-11-04 - Day 69
2 hours
- practice and record first phrase of Pas de Deux from Nutcracker with SR
- her piano skills are really great!
- I only learned one phrase so we just kept practicing that until we have it down - I even memorized it!
- really beautiful piece!
2019-11-03 - Day 68
20 min
- performance at SoundCrowd Cabaret with MLT!!!
- played Skittles at Buckley Bay at moderately fast pace
- we started a bit too fast, I was trying to go slower but we just kept trucking along
- when the audience started clapping it was good, but it meant we were committed
- I was trying to slow down but that confused the audience so I had to keep going
- the last third like was super awesome at tempo!
- we had a great time!!
2019-11-02 - Day 67
45 min
- Group class
- Clean up Skittles song
- Clean up Old Joe Clark and the shuffle time variation
- learned new tune, C major using some D minor notes - it's a great song!
60 min
- practice with MLT, cleaned up the Skittles song for performance on Sunday evening with the SoundCrowd cabaret
- great go over
- find out more about her fiddle
2019-10-31 - Day 66
45 min
- lesson at Aj's today
- clean up Trebulianka
- clean up 1st part of Paddy on the Turnpike
- learn 2nd part of Paddy
- G minor scale go over
60 min
- Great choice to go practicing at CSI since when I came home, there was a power outage at home, on Halloween Night - there must be something more than coincidence here ......
- Just played around for the first time in a long while
- no real practice agenda, no real piece to learn
- G minor, A minor, D major scales
- Played the tuning song for the first time in a long while
- Learned the beginning of Tsaikovsky's Nutcracker Pas de Deux - such a beautiful song! Does anyone know why Tsaikovsky wrote music in French? I thought he was Russian.
- Really jammed out on Spotted Pony and a few of the old time tunes
- Changed G to A for Spotted Pony
- Crossed to DDAD tuning for go over of two foundational tunes for me: Washington's March and Bonapart's Retreat. such great tunes.
- Falling in love with my fiddle again, for the first time, in a long while.
2019-10-30 - Day 65
1 hr
- first real practice in a few weeks!
- went through D major scale, 2 octave
- focus this session was getting Skittles at Buckley Bay cleaned up for our performance this Sunday
- questions and explorations on pacing, timing, bpm's, stresses and accents, doublestops and/or just play it clean and good
- I'm starting to feel good about the 3rd line where there is a ton of string changes
- almost totally off book for this piece
- Planned a practice session on saturday evening
- A minor + Trebulianka practice to keep it in muscle memory
- what is 1 flat sign? it appears to be F major?? Paddy on the Turnpike practice - I can now loop the first phrase - it's difficult but sounds pretty good on my fiddle
- I used OBS this time to stream the practice to Twitch - it worked better than I expected!
2019-10-26 - Day 64
45 min
- group class!!
- go over Skittles, Old Joe Clark
- learned Old Joe Clark variations
- lent fiddlerman carbon fiber bow to MLT
2019-10-23 - Day 63
45 min
- class at Ajineen's
- practiced A minor scale, G minor scale
- went over Trebulianka, glad that the muscle memory is still sticking
- learned first few lines of new song in G minor
- email conversations with MLT re our playing of Skittles - try 90 bpm, both of us on melody, see how it goes!
45 min
- group class at GAS
- MLT mentioned Mixolydian Mode, and how it pertains to songs we're learning now. I haven't got a clue what she's talking about :D
- continue polishing Skittles, learn full phrasing for Old Joe Clark
- I find myself singing Grainne's tune to myself - it's a great little tune
45 min
- lesson at Ajineen's
- polish up Trebulianka
- need fine tuning for A minor
- new scale! F major
- new tune! F major is really fun but also quite hard to get in tune!
10 min
- car practice in the back seat
- parking lot of the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport by Oro Station
- very short go over of Grainne's The Woe of It.
- Happy Thanksgiving!
60 min
- G major, A minor, A major, D major scales
- re-cap Skittles song
- re-cap Old Joe Clark
- re-cap Treblianka, full song play through
- continue sight-reading Canon in D
- There's a new part of the Canon that's utterly beautiful but I've been skipping it all this time. Here's to discovering new things in old music.
45 min
- Gráinne Brady teaches The Woe of It on fiddle-online
- learning the lower part (which is same notes as higher part but we didn't go into it this session)
- slow Jig
- great tune! 6/8, swing
- Gráinne has a really laid back teaching style - great teacher who goes slowly and gives a lot of repetitions for us to play along. She likes play alongs rather than single performances.
- She really comes alive when watching people finger and bow together with her playing.
45 min
- Full house group lesson! 4 fiddles + Aj's fiddle!
- Skittles song is great!
- lots of string changes, tuning matched up in the end, and it sounded really great!
- speed it up a bit and try to get it off book
- started learning new tune
60 min late night practice
- G major, A minor, D major scale practice
- some memory exercise for Spotted Pony, First of January
- Re-learn Skittles song slowly, that third line is full of string changes that has to be clean! It's really good string change practice between the A and E
- practiced our new song Old Joe Clark (It's election weekend in Canada so we were joking about this in class!)
- Practiced full tune for Trebelianka, was able to get through one full playthrough with repeats without having to stop for corrections
- SIGHT-READ CANON IN D - especially the parts I didn't learn!!!
- String Space's solo Canon in D is really helpful - the parts with the rests are just as important as the voiced parts!! I need to get the internal rhythm going with this tune.
45 min
- lesson with Ajineen today
- worked through problem spots for Trebulianka
- 1st finger tuning! Don't get tricked by the high and regular 1st fingerings!
- 3rd position tuning also needs some work
45 min class + 45 min practice
- Group class
- finished Skittles song
- holy string transitions! E to A and back to E.
- my 3rd finger on e is a little bit flat for some reason. I'm not sure why my hand shape is changing?
- tricky, I need that extra 45 min practice after class in order to get it worked out in my head
- I need to work a lot more at getting the A string to voice because of my string setup - it's a lot of work, but it sounds pretty good once I get the string to move.
- I realised this tune was a lot harder than I thought it was!
- This class was challenging because of the string transition in time in the tune. hopefully we all made it through this class. Not every class is going to be easy, I need to be more forgiving to myself and my instrument, as well as the people in the group and my teacher. Not sure if I was being as kind as I usually am but I hope we all are doing well with our learning!
45 min
- GROUP LESSONS!! I love the feel and sound of playing in a group
- Learned a wonderful new song
- Want to try to learn it by memory
- What a great return to group lessons!
45 min
- lesson at Ajineen's
- finished learning Trembulianka
- some tricky bowing needs refinement
- A minor scale still needs work on intonation/tuning
- let go of the first 3 fingers in order to reach that fourth
- third position! on e string
- I think my e-string is starting to go, probably need a replacement soon
- stayed up way too late watching music theory videos.
- um... A minor is the same as C major??? No wonder the key signature for this song has no sharps nor flats.
- I really need to get my music theory under control
- I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to theory.
60 min
- G, D, A scales
- Started getting A minor scale working
- A minor broken chord fingerings?
- Trembulianka first 2 sections playthrough. The double upbow thing is getting into muscle memory
- Practiced Spotted Pony, Eighth of January
- Also tried to stream to Discord, but I'm not sure if my mic setup is right. Someone said it was dropping out and I didn't notice until the end (I didn't look at the channel for a while)
45 min
- First lesson of the Season!
- It was great playing with Ajineen again!
- A minor ! New Scale!!!
- Started learning Trembulianka a Ukranian song
- There's a double downbow stroke that I've never done before and we spent a good 10 min just going through that bow stroke.
- It sounds really cool and it's something I haven't encountered before!
- Group lessons start in 2 weeks!!!
70 min
- G major, D major, A major scales
- Started the Granddaddy of all exercises: Schradieck 1
- Following With Nicky Basics of the left hand
- 4th finger stiffness on release
- Spent a good 10 min just getting the 4th finger under control
- I can see that I need more work on this, but it's really intense and I have to think so much to maintain control
- Continue trying to relax both shoulders
- Getting ready for class next week!
45 min
- first real practice after coming back from Vancouver
- first real practice of the season
- new classes and new group classes start next week
- looking forward to learning new things
- during the summer break, I got more confident in my sound, with my vibrato in particular. it wasn't there before, but now imperceptibly, it's starting to grow.
- in order to complete 100 days of practice in 2019, I have to practice every other day until December 31, 2019. :D
5 min
- back to Vancouver on vacation
- talking to my sister about playing and listening to music while wearing hearing aids
- discussed the "warble"
- watched youtube video about Tartini tones:
- of course we took breaks!
- played through the Canon with S
- 3rd position start with shifting, fourth finger when I could, and a lot of open strings
- cut out a lot of the song since I wasn't confident in the "fast" parts of the song
- there was one practice take where I was sweating so much I couldn't open my eyes and I found I could play the first 15-20 bars of the piece from memory! I wish to do more off book playing in the next 1/2 of the year.
- It was a great experience and a good resting place for now. I'd still like to learn the rest of the song but that can be a 1 year goal for the end of 2019.
90 min
- more scales!
- review Canon in D
- recorded tuning phrase
80 min
- Back to the midnight sessions at CSI RP
- Basic Scales - all the scales. G, D (2 octave, 3rd position), A. Broken scales, 1-4 notes per bow
- I joked on someone's insta comment that I'm a Basic Dude cause I need to do my basic scales. It's kinda true - I just really need to do these scales!
- More scales! Did I say more scales!!? I'm so excited!!
- Also did some basic work on D major 3rd position on both A and E strings. At the end of the practice I feel more confident with 3rd position on A, which is used very often on the Canon in D
- Practiced Canon in D, memorized the first 2 slow parts. Getting the fast part 3 into muscle memory.
- Ventured into the high notes near the end of the piece. It's coming together. I'm skipping a lot of parts though.
10 min
- I know, I know! 10 min is a really short practice!
- I just got my Blazin' Fiddles Tunebooks 1 and 2 in the mail today, so I noodled around trying some tunes.
- For me, these books are more about listening to tunes rather than learning them, since they come from the body of work that the Blazin' Fiddles group played on their early records, so each tune and set have a corresponding version on their CD's. A lot of familiar tunes done fast, and slow.
- Excited to listen to more tunes - it's like remedial class on what a Scottish fiddle player would have been listening to growing up.
45 min
- Canon in D on regular fiddle
- trying to refine and figure out how to finish the piece.
- the last section goes into higher positions and it's hard for me to get intonation right there.
- single finger scale exercises to get used to positions.
60 min
- practice Canon in D
45 min
- Spent all this session with the Octave violin
- Got my bow back from Heinl's with their premium rehair - excellent work as usual
- Getting smoother with Canon in D, almost ready to proceed onward to the last few sections
- The 3rd position shifts are coming a bit easier, still a bit rough but I think I'm getting there
60 min
- I sent my main bow in to be rehaired so I used my IncrediBow for this practice. It works well and sounds better than I remember
- Review of Canon in D, first few parts, and started drilling the fast portions of the song, especially there's an E string to D string change that needed a bit of work.
- Starting to sound better. I just need to play this at a slow tempo because it actually sounds pretty good at a slower pace.
1 hr
- fiddle tunes practice: The Butteryfly
- Canon in D practice
- Went through all of first 3 sections
- moderate memorization exercises
1 hr
- Canon in D practice with S
- I really enjoy playing with her
15 min
- restarted learning Canon in D
- listening to the London Symphony Orchestra version
- watch Beth Blackerby's learning videos
- start figuring out how the LSO version fits into the sheet music.
- Fiddle Party!
- Played 2 duets with ML, and 2 tunes with Ajineen (Tra Veglia e Sonno, Red Haired Boy)
- It was great to hear all the songs I've learned through the years
- Loved hearing all the kids play!
- Hopefully we'll get two more adult learners in our group fiddle class!
- Played about 15 minutes for a community meeting at EUC/East End United.
- Mix of old and new songs.
- Some I knew really well, and some I didn't quite remember!
- It was very fun!
- I completely went off from my planned well currated song list and started doing random tunes!
- It's good to have some ready tunes in my head to play on the spot. I need more of those kinds of tunes.
- I've dropped off practice time after returning from the Rollick. Mostly just to decompress and to let myself take a short practice sabbatical. Is that even a thing?
- I started putting together a set list for a 10-15 min mini-performance as pre-show welcoming music for a community oriented meeting.
- Set list:
- Tuning Phrase - slow romantic song - Starts on D, ends on D string open
- Eighth of January, start on 1st finger on E, ends on D string open.
- Spotted Pony - starts slow, ends fast - starts on D string open, ends on 3rd on A
- Talk a bit to change the mood -0- change music
- Red Haired Boy - fast song starts with 1 on D, ends with open A
- Cluck Old Hen, mid-fast, ends with blues scale. BIG change in pacing - starts with open E, ends with G.
- Extra song Mcfall’s March, slow song, starts on D string open, ends on G open
- Probably around 10-15 min in total.
- It was interesting seeing how one tune ends and how the next one might start - I was looking for similar key and feel/tone of the music. There's going to be an abrupt change going from spotted pony into red haired boy, and I haven't figured out how to make that change yet.
45 min
- class with Ajineen
- played through Tra Veglia e Sonno all repeats all parts, with Ajineen on harmony, beautiful piece of music
- learned melody and harmony of St. Timothy's march
- learned 4 bars of Redhead boy
90 min
- violin playalong of Dear Evan Hansen for note plunking
- completed first section playthrough of Shetland Nights
- practice Redhead boy
- tuning phrase practice
- Prep for Old Time Rollick, Becca's song, cross tuned to ADAE with double stops, memory exercise
30 min
- practiced both melody and harmony parts of St. Timothy's March with ML
- it turns out our music books had different arrangements of the same tune!
45 min
- Back at CSI RP!
- "Spider" or "Pterodactyl" bow climbing exercise on instagram
- Since it's St. Patrick's day, I reviewed all the Irish songs I learned
- also reviewed Westphalia Waltz from memory
- played Tra Veglia e Sonno from memory (with bad timing ;)
- reviewed tuning phrase
- played Eighth of January, both Becca's and Bruce's versions from memory. The bow climbing exercise worked! I found my bow hold changing "up stick" for the old time music to get the old timey feel. I think this bow hold will be where I'm most comfortable for old time music.
45 min
- G major, G minor scales
- D major 2 octave + shifting scales
- tuning phrase bowing exercise
- Tra Veglia e Sonno practice
- Westphalia Waltz
- Old time tunes, Eighth of January memory exercise
- attempted to do caterpiller, having trouble getting bow back up!
- First time back at CSI RP in a long while. Feels good.
15 min
- Shetland nights memory exercise
80 min - Part 1
- fiddle retreat at the Fat Squirrel out near Kawartha's
- I think I'm going to make this a regular thing - I really like the place and the host Tracey is really great!
- G major, minor scales
- Tuning phrase
- Tra Veglia e Sonno review - I think I'm over working this tune so I might just leave it for a while
- Went backwards through our repertoire and did almost all the songs we learned just to get it back in tune
- the squirrels and birds really liked the songs :)
- sightreading exercise with St. Timothy's March and Mairis' Wedding, both are great familiar Irish tunes that allow for a large pallet of emotions. These songs will be important for collaborating with ML
80 min - Part 2
- "With Nicky" vibrato part 1, getting that "pulling back" movement does feel unnatural but I think I should give it a slow go for at least a few weeks, taking Nicky's advice of putting a timer on it and doing it consistently during practice
- learned a few more bars of Shetland nights, got the low strain transition back to the high strain worked out
- DDAD practice for Washington's March and Bonaparte's Retreat
45 min
- lesson with Ajineen
- went over g minor scale
- Tra Veglia e Sonno all parts, all repeats
- my efforts to improve timing on A and B parts worked out - I can play with Ajineed on the harmony in time. Part C (the dream sequence) still needs a bit of timing work, especially with the dotted quarter notes - need to hold those for the time indicated
30 min
- probably the longest stretch without practicing this year
- G major/minor scales
- memory exercise with some ashokan tunes
- double stop exercise
- tuning song
- Tra Veglia full song, all repeats
- Westphalia Waltz
- more ashokan tunes, with double stops
- "Will I ever..." memory exercise
30 min
- back to 30 min practices
- G minor scale
- Tra Veglia e Sonno taking into account Ajineen's comments on my timing - extending whole notes to its fullest extent, taking up all the time it needs, being confident. But also short notes need to be exactly short as written, long notes need to be long
- feeling a bit more about the timing, it really makes the piece work
- Sky Black Black memory exercise
- 45 min lesson
- first lesson in about 3 weeks
- lots of corrective measures needed on my timing in Tra Veglia. Most noticibly the full bar length whole notes, as well as the dotted quarters. When we did a note by note exercise, it worked and made sense, but when playing normally, I tended to shorten the whole notes, and drag the dotted quarters.
- need to be more aware of counting
45 min
Out of all the days, there's bound to be ups and downs. Today was a down. It was a great sunny day and I had gone out to dim sum with my family and had a great time at brunch. I wanted to come back home to practice and I didn't expect my mood to turn down.
I did the usual tuning exercises and phrases, played the scales as usual. But today didn't feel like I usually do. I didn't feel like the fiddle was cheering me up. I played Tra Veglia e Sonno but I didn't have the same expressiveness as yesterday. I kept messing up my forth finger intonation.
Out of the mess of notes, I started playing McFall's March. It has special meaning to me because it was the tune I was learning when I got word of my grandmother being sick at the hospital, and it was the tune I listened to when I flew back to Taiwan, not knowing what awaited me there.
I managed to see my grandmother one last time before she passed. When she passed away, I played McFall's March on the fiddle my grandfather and grandmother gave to me.
Today is the first time since her passing that I played this tune. This time on my regular fiddle.
It felt smoother than before. It's like this tune will forever be associated with the spirit of my grandmother. When I play it I feel a bit sad, but at the same time, thankful for her gifts and her life.
After understanding this, I couldn't play any other tunes from my regular suite of tunes. I crosstuned over to DDAD and played Washington's March, and that managed to cheer me up. I'm still a bit teared up. It's mysterious how something like our mood can change so quickly.
I remember my grandmother, and let McFall's March be my prayer for her.
60 min
- tuning exercise
- Will I ever... tuning phrase
- double stops
- G major scale, broken scale
- G minor scale
- Tra Veglia e Sonno full song, all parts, all repeats
- Starting to get part 3 into muscle memory - this tune is coming along very well
- Westphalia Waltz
- La Bastringue full song, both parts, up to speed
- Going backwards through the previous songs I've learned
- Howie Macdonald's Cape Breton Jigs, starting with Lay Herring in Salt
- Merrily Kiss the Quaker, Ragtime Annie (still difficult!), Sleep Soond in da mornin', June Apple into Hobart's Transformation, Rakes of Kildare, Kesh Jig into Swallow's Tale (still one of my favourites and my fiddle loves this tune), Tenpenny Bit (very hard to get into tune), and Lannigan's Ball (another of my favourites)
- End with Cluck Ol' Hen and blues scale - which is the coolest tune I know
- After playing 60 min practice sessions, I suddenly realised why I don't have a repertoire. It's only in the 60 min sessions that I'm able to not just learn new tunes, but also review old tunes and get them in better shape, in better tune, and in better tempo and feeling. It really is a big difference going from mainly 30 min practices to 60 min practices. It makes a huge difference.
- The goal for this year is to get a repertoire in memory.
60 min
- tuning exercise
- G major scales, broken scales
- La Bastringue, both slow and fast sections back into muscle memory
- Westphalia Waltz
- G minor scale
- Tra Veglia e Sonno all parts, all repeats
- 3 songs from Ashokan retreat
- first 3 bars of Shetland Nights - going to the high strain. Finally got the lower parts figured out and the "loop de loop" to go up high is brilliantly composed.
- Finally making a little bit of progress on Shetland Nights, looking forward to more
60 min
- DDAD cross tuning exercises
- Irish version of Bonaparte's Retreat
- Washington March
- Back to standard tuning
- G major, G minor scales
- 3 songs from Ashokan last year
- good practice of Tra Veglia e Sonno
- Great run of Westphalia March
- getting the fast portion of La Bastringue back into muscle memory
- Starting to figure out the bottom fast run of first few bars of shetland night
30 min
- G major scales
- double stop exercises
- Will I Ever Know... exercise
- Cross Tune to DDAD
- Irish version of Bonaparte's Retreat from memory
- Found this wonderful version from Jay Ungar and Molly Mason, who founded and run the Ashokan Centre. Feeling very thankful to have found them.
20 min
- fine tuning of new A string
- Scale exercises G, G minor, D 2 octave, A
- string crossing exercise
- small memory exercise
- I like the new A string. It holds the note better.
60 min
- best practice in a long while
- in a hotel room, in the middle of the day
- Changed A String from Passione (gut) to Evah Pirazzi Gold, bought at Heaney Violins, who were very friendly
- The A Passione was starting to show some tiredness, constantly going out of tune, and showing fraying at the part where the string meets the bridge, so I thought I should change it
- Tuning, G major scales, double stops, G minor scale
- Tra Veglia e Sonno full song practice, with all repeats
- Getting part one really in memory, starting to get into the emotion of the piece
- Part 2 of the song is in the muscle memory phase, there's one small string change that I can't reliably get - I can get it if I really focus, but it's not all the way in my memory yet
- Part 3 is still in the learning phase
- Also practiced La Bastringue and Westphalia Waltz at about 50% speed - both needs a lot of fine tuning work to get it back to speed.
15 min
- tuning
- Eighth of January memory exercise
- First bar of Shetland Night
15 min
SFO trip day 1
- tune up after flight and traveling
- played with mute on
- G minor scale
- one single run through Tre Veglia e Sonno, no repeats
- first bar of Shetland Night review
30 min
- strings might need changing. the A string didn't fare too well in the changing temperature and humidity as we head into deep winter. I kept having to retune. I think I am due for a string change since it's been about six months since I got these strings.
- due to the constant retuning, I had to do more scales to get myself back in tune G major, G minor, D major 3 octave scales
- Tra Veglia e Sonno full song with full repeats
- try to get Shetland Night back in my finger memory
- Need to make decision about Fiddle & Sails, or to go on Scotland walking tour. Not sure which one, but space and time is filling up.
30 min
- it seems like forever since I had a fiddle practice.
- G minor scale 2 octave
- Tra Veglia e Sonno full song 3/3 parts with full repeats.
- time to get back on the routine
- Soundcrowd rehearsal
- MJ Medley, Signed Sealed Delivered review
- SoundCrowd On Broadway Concert!!!!!!
- Sang with former Les Miserable cast members!!!!
- What a great show
- Favourite tunes were Hello, Gold, You Can't Stop the Beat
- SoundCrowd rehearsal before show
- still a lot of memorisation to do
- Soundcrowd extra rehearsal at Robin's
- Lesson with Ajineen
- practiced 1,2 parts of Veglia e Sonno
- learned 3rd part of Veglia e Sonno
- chromatic scale runs
- Soundcrowd Bass/Tenor sectionals
- Soundcrowd rehearsal night
- skip day
I never really got this song until I watched Fergus and read the story written after his passing.
45 min
- First few bars of Shetland Night by Blazin' Fiddles. Learning by ear.
- This was so much fun! I love this arrangement! Most fun I've had in 2019!
- Liberal use of the Amazing Slow Downer to get the notes in the runs.
- I need to get a better feel for bowing, which is harder to listen for.
- Notes for this tune
10 min
- 1st/3 Tra Veglia e sono memory exercise
- 2nd/3 read playthrough
- got the first third playable from memory
- need to get this ready for class next wednesday
- do a recording tomorrow at csi
5 min
- 5 bars of Tra veglia e sono while the chicken cooks in the red wine
30 min
- G minor scales
- G minor broken scales
- slight memory exercise with 5 bars of Westphalia Waltz